“Justly famous”

Yesterday, writing about my SATC sanity-challenge, I mentioned the episode where Justin Theroux crows about being featured in New York magazine’s ‘30 Coolest People Under 30′ issue and mused that it would be funny if such a thing existed.   It doesn’t, of course, but, as a friend points out,  this is pretty close.  #16 is the best.

30 comments to “Justly famous”

  • Is it just me or are pretty much all the listees under 25? If that’s the case, shouldn’t they have cut five people and call the list “25 Coolest People Under 25″?

    Makes me feel old at 28.

  • Tanvi

    #16 also got busted for plagiarism…perhaps she is more famous for that.

  • Jen

    Hey, I just wanted to say that piece was wise like your grandfather emails. Wise is in in the blood!

    Anyway, it wasn’t really overshare-y as much as contemplative. Overshari-ness makes me worry for you, even though I don’t know you!

  • rob

    thanks for your article in the NYT, it was a share worth sharing.

  • P

    Sorry from another person who doesn’t really know you– but I was reading your NYT article and I thought you looked familiar, so… no kidding! MBHS alum! We’re everywhere these days…

  • Sam

    Congrats. You hit it big with the NYT article. I think it achieved the opposite of what you wanted it to achieve, in terms of your reputation and explaining your side of the story–you’re a terrible person who has changed for the worse.

  • I read articles like that and all I can think is “Ryan, 23, makes one helluva stir-fry.”

  • Emily,

    I just read your article in the NYT magazine. I just wanted to tell you what strength I think it takes to do what you do and be an oversharer. I am critical of fame sought by being critical of everything and everyone. That said, most people live life cloaked in a veil of falsity whereas you attempted to live online as honestly as possible. I admire that. You tried oversharing and now have learned to keep certain things closer to you. More power to you.


  • Andrew


    From the perspective of someone who is about ten years too old to have really mastered all this, the Sunday Mag piece is lovely. We overshared in our twenties too, of course, but your stakes are much higher, so your regrets are more substantial. But that will help you, in the long run.

    The tats, too, you will probably regret some day, as we do. But so it goes.

  • Emily,
    I just read your piece in the NY times online, so of course, I immediately went here to comment. Funny how the personal nature of a piece like that can draw a reader in. I read every page. I still have no idea how Obama plans to consolidate his apparently decisive advantage over Clinton, or how Mynamar is somehow surviving the cyclone, but I read all the pages. I think there is a reason for that Faustian bargain, more personal equals more readers. You have been in the business a long time, so it must seem obvious to you: people want insight on their own lives, and these personal revelations occupy a different sort of niche space than regular reporting. So many writers, so much written, but the urge to gossip is strong in our species and probably has deep, evolutionary roots….who cares about celebrities though? Isn’t it more interesting to know about a person who resembles one’s self?

  • Those lists are cool, but so unfairly skewed towards the young. The 90 coolest over 90 is way, way more definitive.

  • Suzy

    It’s probably good that you’re losing the will to blog. I’m losing the will to give a rip about the toothpaste brands or nightclubs or other everydayisms on the minds of strangers. Real World was genius in its time, but blogging seemed like a train wreck waiting to happen — it was like watching all the 20 somethings flock to SF in the dot com era — you just knew it wasn’t going to end well for many of the wide eyed wanderers. Look at the bright side, if you think you’ve revealed too much, you’d probably right there among your peers in My Space-ville. Anyway, I hope for you that your close friends really are, and that real life (no caps) becomes enough of a stage for you.

  • kurt benbenek

    They’re letting #16 write another book after what happened with her first??!!


  • Jan

    I read your NYT Mag piece. I really enjoyed what seemed to be raw honesty. I’ve often wondered what people get out of blogging. Who are these people who surf the internet leaving brutal comments about the thoughts and appearances of random people (whether well known or not)? Anyway, I do think that your previous employer probably preyed on your inexperienced talent. Unfortunate, but true. And to be fed to the wolves on the LKL show…Wow! What other young talent could have done any better.

  • Chris

    Well, strictly speaking, #16 did get totally famous. Like the reason matters.

  • Nice article in the Times. Definitely makes me think about what to do with my blog. People have sent some emails asking for more personal details, but I’m reluctant to share them, frankly… Anyway, chin up, you had a wild ride but at least you had fun right!

  • GeoffCT

    Enjoyed your article in the Times magazine. I appreciated the sensibilities you shared and empathize with the story overall. As someone not familiar with you before today, it was a nice introduction. Good luck to you and thank you for sharing.

  • Bill

    Hey Emily, just finished the NYT piece. Very interesting. Also watched the Kimmel clip.
    Anywho, do you know the full story about that Harvard author? or maybe that’s what you meant when you said hers was the best – read here –

  • MinNY

    emily, the nastiness on the NYT site’s comments section is kinda gross. like you said, could be karma..or could be that the NYT readers are no better than gawker’s audience. interesting, how in trying to explain yourself you invited more dirt to be flung at you.

    in any case, i left you a comment there and i’ll leave you one here: i’m not a fan of gawker-style personal tear downs, but you’re a good writer and you seem to have figured out that other people have feelings, too. so with some growing up of the soul, i think you’ll be fine.

  • Gary Misch

    I’ve just read your article from next Sunday’s Times Magazine. Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you seem a bit self absorbed? I wouldn’t give up blogging, but I would limit the degree of self expression. I’ve been in the computer world a bit longer than you’ve been alive, and would suggest to you that the life-like infrastructure of today’s online world is as far from tangible reality as you can get. Why not try getting a life outside of your computer? I find myself using mine less and less, as I re-grow the analogue part of my life. Good luck, and DON”T SQUANDER YOURSELF.

  • Rachel

    That list was fascinating–by how much hasn’t happened. Grace B–no TV show; Terrence Fisher–no 2nd film; Kaavya Viswanathan–she’ll be lucky to graduate; Alexander Mitchell–please let him be back in school; Ari Graynor–minor parts in TV; Jen Poe–allegedly working on a feature; Dolev Azaria–hasn’t Weiner cut her loose yet?

  • Syl

    I came to your site after reading your article in the Times, I’m not sure how to feel about it as you come off as tremendously self-absorbed. However, I can’t say that I’m much different, just not as overt as you about it. Why don’t you start writing about other topics aside from yourself, you’re obviously a gifted writer. How about writing about global affairs, community gatherings, I don’t know something that’s not you?

    Just a suggestion, who am I to say that what you’re currently doing isn’t working for you. But again, I wanted to say you come off as smart and funny and witty and I think you may be doing a disservice to yourself in continuing to be all about …yourself.

  • carl C

    Your NYT article “Exposed” was riveting. End to end I couldn’t tear away from it.

    W. Dilthey described history as understanding the “I in thou” and I think all of us seek to understand our world(s) from an autobiographical perspective. Reading “Exposed” was very poignant for me.

    Your description of your emotions hits home. I understand the major mood swings, mapping against external events. Your “over-sharing” is useful to us, well me, because for those who travel parallel paths, there is a synergy in knowing others have gone our way, survived, and moved on.

    I hope that I have found the ability to put a “lid on it” with regard to the need to share details of my life others don’t need to know, and particularly that I don’t have a need to spread seeds of future pain for me and others by dropping details (personal ones) of my life and my intimate associates’s lives.

    People slow to watch car accidents even if there is revulsion at the moment and afterward, a shiver of fear and disgust. I don’t have to be an online “accident” to get meaningful and positive attention.

    I have told my offspring that “nice goes a long way” and somehow, despite the propensity of folks to have a morbid preoccupation with the negatives in others’ lives, I have a much lessened need to contribute to the flow of morbid negative details.

    Your article is/was/will be a seminal read for persons of like propensities and I think it will serve a major long term positive purpose. For that I thank you personally and expect tha others will also.

  • Frank O.

    Read your NYT story.
    I’m not sure young people can be anything but self-absorbed, especially smart young people. Self-absorbed young people with boundary issues are terribly vulnerable.
    I think that was ultimately the feeling I had reading your NYT confessional.
    Good luck sorting it all out.

  • Susan

    RE: #16: Oy.

  • David

    What is blogging?

  • J

    Hi Emily,

    I read your NYT magazine article the other day and immediately wanted to see your blog. It sounded very disturbing to me to hear that people could be so cruel. Gossip is a big problem in this world and yet it is human nature. Yet, as one friend always tells me that we must stay strong in the heart and be careful out there if not then we are subject to everyone to push us around.
    I think another problem in this world is that we are all too trusting of others and someone tells me that only minimal people can be trusted. Sometimes or most of the time we must look out for ourselves only and stay strong. I learned a bit from the article in NYT magazine and I hope it sticks with me so that I don’t give out TMI, too much information, but sometimes we just do when we are frustrated, mad, or angry. May be you should write a fictional novel and people would read it.

    Hope for the best and we should always stay strong!



  • Jack


    Yes, you had a good article in the NYT. It gives one pause to reflect on this Internetfestation of modern life.

    Mason Axiom of Human Behavior:
    People are basically bored thus they create arbitrary conflicts, so that they will have interest in their lives.

    In the Cosmic Giggle,


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